Min-Yi Chen

Your Name

Statistics PhD student | Iowa State University


I am Min-Yi Chen, a first year PhD student in Department of Statistics at Iowa State University. I am interested in dealing with paradox. My research interest is Machine Learning Theory.

Previously, I studied Statistics at National Cheng-Chi University and received my Bachelor degree in 2023. I was Dr.Ting-Li Chen's' part-time research assistant in Institue of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica from 2022 to 2023.

I worked on several research projects when I was an undergraduate student. I worked on manifold learning project mentored by Dr.Han-Ming Wu and the project is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. I also worked on exponential random graph models(ERGM) project mentored by Dr.Bo Ning and Dr.Hsuan-Wei Lee in 2023.


Machine Learning Theory





Email: ccminyi@iastate.edu

X: https://x.com/ccminyi